The European Commission recently selected 8 successful adult education projects, based on their contribution to European policy priorities and their possible interest for other organisations and the wider public. Take a peak for inspiration.
- Live and Learn – audiovisual stories of adult education produced videos portraying adult learners and their story, alongside innovative teaching methods of educators in non-formal adult education. The purpose was to raise awareness about adult education and increase participation.
- PROMETHEUS offers many research findings, tools and material to career counsellors and guidance practitioners to provide support for the current priority of ‘re-skilling’ or ‘up-skilling’ adults.
- OER uptake in adult education institutions set up a training course to support adult education trainers to find, create and use Open Educational Resources (OER) in their daily work.
- Valorize High Skilled Migrants improved the soft skills (interpersonal, communication, social skills) of migrants looking for work or working in low-qualified jobs. The team provided soft-skill evaluation and training and helped the migrants develop an e-Portfolio and a video CV that demonstrates those skills.
- Key competencies for Lifelong Learning in education of seniors created a curriculum for seniors to improve their interpersonal, English and digital competencies.
- NO LIMIT supported adults with disabilities to develop their digital and entrepreneurial skills to encourage their talents in arts, crafts and other services.
- Active citizenship Ambassadors used autobiographical methodologies with women over 50 who are involved in volunteering and active citizenship. The objective was give skills acquired in both non-formal and informal settings value and to foster active engagement in civil society of younger generations.
- GenderStrat4EQuality: Train-the-gendertrainer! established European quality standards for gender equality training and developed strategies for moving forward in this field.
If you would like to discover more, browse the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform and the success stories will always appear first, whatever your research topic!