Series of workshops – Gender equality in the world of work

During the month of June, Asociación EuropeYou organized series of workshops about:

  • women empowerment and employability
  • gender equality in the world of work
  • the entrepreneurship as an important tool for women’s economic empowerment

During the events participants had the chance to discuss the cultural issues for women in the workplace, gender roles and what “diversity” in the workplace mean. Moreover, some of the objectives of the workshops for participants were to understand why women empowerment is important and how it can be achieved. Participants were assists in acquiring some of the knowledge, skills and tools needed to enter today´s challenging job market. The events also promoted the enhancement of women´s role as active members of society.

The workshops were based on non-formal activities and peer to peer learning. Participants had the chance to share their own experience, obstacles faced as well as the gender gaps that according to them should be bridged in order to let women go ahead in the world of work.